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Mother's Love Cord 

Mother Gaia is calling for each of us to remember her and reconnect with her spiritually from our hearts and our spirit bodies.  This original call from Mother came as a specific message on January 9th, 2013.


This 24 minute activation guided by Mare will help you create your own energetic Love Cord Connection with Mother Gaia and the core of her heart, to bring Mother's powerful healing energy into your chakras and entire energy body.

Mare, I listened to the activation and was blown away not only by the grounding effect but also the magnetizing away of negative energy. Wow, was it noticeable. Then a few hours of life activity and interactions occurred, and I found my energy frazzled, so I lay down and reactivated both the grounding and magnetizing, and viola!, I am immediately good to go again. What a generous gift you and Mother have shared. Thank you both,
and special thanks to you for being willing to say
on-going 'yeses' to Mother's requests. 

~ M.M.

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