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1000 Goddesses Gathering

& The Global Tree Grid


More than 300 events in 31 nations wove an incredible web of Luminous Love merged with the Global Tree Web

of Luminous Love

on Nov 2nd.


Numerous Tree Communicators have shared messages from the trees that the trees were so happy that this event happened. There was an uptick in the Global Energies of Quantum Divine Love & Oneness, per the reports. Many beings including the trees, nature spirits and more beautiful ones supporting Mother Gaia's Highest Good were celebrating by the end of the weekend. 


Mother Gaia was beaming on all of us with her beautiful, beautiful Love and many from on planet and off planet were quite grateful to all who heard the call and showed up to be part of the Unified Field of Tree-Human Love. 


So much love & gratitude to all the people who were part of this global event...


And all the trees and Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones supporting on so many, many levels!


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