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Weaving Oneness Within & With Out

~ A 5-Day Sacred Retreat in the South of France

in the Lands of the Cathars 

& Where Mary Magdalene Walked


Thurs, Apr 30th – Mon, May 5th, 2025


Co-led by

Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwell & 

Shamanic Womb Healer Mieke Anthuenis


Open to Women & Men

COST - $67.77

~ 6 Pre-Recorded Classes!
~ 1.5 - 1.75 Hours/Class!

Chock full of direct conversations with the Nature Spirits, Unicorns, Dragons, plus more. Along with
Meditations, Spiritual Activations
and PURE JOY!  ;~)

P.s. This webinar was being truly led by the Nature Spirits, hence we never knew how long each class would go. ;~)


Note: These recordings are from a live class that took
place in the winter of 2022. Those purchasing this self-paced
version of the webinar will not have access to the private Facebook
Group created for the live class (which is now dormant), yet are MOST invited to join Cornelis's amazing Facebook
group called "Sheia's Grove".
"I am so grateful I took on this "Invitation" as this webinar is a real game changer. It
opened loads of amazing gateways into other realms here on Earth. 
I honestly have never witnessed such an abundant sharing and caring as that which Mare and Cornelis offered. I experienced so much recognition and even more possibilities to dive deeper into the essence of nature.  A person could replay,revisit and re-experience this webinar forever." 
S.S., The Netherlands

Visualize a stunning silver platter with a sparkly card sitting on it. This silver platter is being extended to you personally to invite you to pick up the sparkly card in the center. The card seems to have a subtle, subtle song to it. A song of Joy and Fun and Goodness. You feel drawn to this card since life has been rather challenging recently, and your instincts are telling you that you could definitely benefit from what you are sensing.

So you pick the card up and open it.

It is an Invitation from the Nature Spirit realms … and they want you to come Play with them and re-member what it was like to truly have fun!

Surely you want to accept this Invitation!   



(c) Asako Eguchi - Used by Permission

The Invitation for this webinar truly came from the Nature Spirits as they want you to connect with them in this enlightening and healing six-session webinar to help them, and us, and Mother Gaia, so that all of us can Love the New Earth in with Ease and Grace.


The Nature Spirit realms yearn for us to come back Home to them and Mother Gaia. At one time humans used to be in close rapport with these sacred ones yet a schism happened thousands of years ago. They are quite eager for humans to learn more about them so that we can collectively co-create the New Earth – in a most beautiful way! 

There is so much knowledge these sacred, multidimensional beings want to convey to us humans. The first is that they actually EXIST, contrary to all the Fairy Tale books we read as young children.


The fairies and elves want us to learn about where they live. And how they work with Luminous Love energy, along with the pixies and others. The dwarves want to share about their domains within the soil and crystal kingdoms? Gnomes have a particularly close connection with the human realms for a specific set of reasons. Even the maligned goblins have positive roles in the multi-dimensional realms!


All of these beautiful beings wish to cultivate a closer connection with us humans

to enhance all of our lives, including theirs! Plus support our gardens and the vitality of our plants including the trees and grasses and even the stone people, not to mention bringing healing energy into our homes. And … they know how beautiful our New Earth will be when we all collectively and fully manifest it, and wish to invite us into a glimpse of the joy and goodness that we will all be living within in the coming future.

Co-Led by Nature Spirit Mystic & Wizard Cornelis Jan Cuperus, and Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwell, this webinar will overflow with profound wisdom, fun, spiritual activations, ways to connect with the Nature Spirit realms and surprises – definitely profoundly fun and beautiful surprises!

Humbling Feedback from Nature Spirit Webinars led by Cornelis Jan Cuperus

& Mare Cromwell.


"If you long to awaken your inner child and pierce the veil of ignorance - If you’re chasing joy and magical moments yet are running too fast with indifference - Come here and play with us who are laughing and dancing and playing with the Spirits."


Nova Scotia, Canada



"Feeling so grateful for this connection with the Nature Spirits that Cornelis Jan and Mare presented in such a fun spirited way! The deep wisdom and activations I received during this webinar surprisingly impacted my entire spiritual evolution. I am so much more in tune with the Nature Spirits realm and how we can work together helping the Ascension of the New Earth. Much love and gratitude!"


C.V., California


"I have never looked more forward to a class than the Nature Spirits Invitation program, and never had so much excitement reading a Facebook page as the one for the course. Thank you, Mare and Cornelis Jan, for sharing not only information about the Nature Spirits but also the spirit of the Nature Spirits. "


~ M.M.,


How This Webinar Has Been Created


A constantly enlarging group of Nature Spirits stepped forward to help us co-create this Webinar. They have been spiritually coordinated by Cernunnos, a significant Nature Spirit deity and Manannan Mac Lir, another Celtic Deity who is the Guardian of Sacred Consciousness. This expanding group included a host of different types of elves, centaurs, plant devas and more Nature Spirit friends.


Among them are the auspicious King of the Earthly Elements, along with "Royalty" of the other Elemental kingdoms. Plus the friendly earth-loving Ogre tribes were adamant that they be included. The Unicorns even asked that they be presented too, though they are not technically considered a Nature Spirit. And the Dragons wanted to be discussed too! A rather wide variety of Nature Spirits came forward to requested that they be introduced as the webinar evolved – all quite keen to share and offer us healing energies too!

More Background on the Nature Spirits


The Nature Spirit realms are a universe of ancient multi-dimensional beings unto themselves who have existed since the evolution of the very first cell on our Sacred Earth. They live right next to us yet exist at a higher spiritual frequency so most humans can’t see or feel them, or hear them. They are an integral vast community of beings who support Mother Gaia and all the biodiversity on our planet in quite significant ways.

For many centuries the realms of the fairies, elves, trolls and other Nature Spirits have been relegated to
fairy tales and, unfor-tunately, most of us were taught these beings are not real. Most children with the gift of “seeing” and “hearing” were silenced by their parents and instructed “to not make up stories” when they mentioned the Nature Spirits around them. 


Sadly, the great majority of these children gradually lost their gifts and grew up into adults who wondered whether their experiences ever were real. The Nature Spirits have been quite sad about this.


Perhaps you were one of these children? If so, the Nature Spirits are calling you home with their hearts and arms wide open!

(c) Asako Eguchi  - Used with Permission


For many, many thousand years our ancestors honored the existence of these sacred beings and collaborated with them in the growing of their gardens and creation of home remedies and crafts. There was a harmonious interweaving of community between the human and the sacred ones in the multi-dimensional realms which maintained a beautiful balance in each village and farmstead, the whole region - in truth with a few adventures mixed in, for sure.

At this critical time in human history, with the current rising energies and ongoing Birthing of the New Earth, the Nature Spirits are very clear that it is time for the humans to connect with them. They are inviting us to open our awarenesses and hearts to them again so that the human realms can come back into the Wise Ways of sacred balance with the elemental communities to manifest the healing needed so greatly at this time.

The truth is that we humans cannot fully evolve into this New Earth until we reconnect with the Nature Spirits and their wisdom and gifts.

Will you accept this invitation to deeply expand your
awareness and connection with the Nature Spirit Realms?  
Your life will be deeply enhanced ... if you do!

Within this Six-Session Webinar,
You Will Learn About:


  • Who the Nature Spirits are:

    • ​Where they are found -

      • ​From the land, air, sea & fire (fairies, elves, trolls, goblins, sylphs, salamanders and more)​​

    •  Devas and their role

    •  About Ymir and Inanna, Cernunnos, Pan, Manannán Mac Lir, and some of the larger overarching Nature Spirits (who are found in different spiritual traditions around the world), along with Celtic deities such as Cailleach and more.

    • The Sidhe

    • About their history: Ymir and Inanna, more

    • The interplay between Evolution and the Nature Spirits

  • What are the Nature Spirits’ “roles” on our Sacred Earth?

    • Their significance

    •  “Cultures”

    • Territories ranging from expansively large or quite small

      • Localized Nature Spirits: silkies in Ireland, Slavic ones, more

    • Specific teachings from the Nature Spirits that they consider imperative for the human realms to know at this time.

    • The Nature Spirit Grid around our Sacred Earth

    • What is happening with many of them presently (most exciting!)

      • Healing Stations for them, and more


(c) Eelke-Jan Wiersma  ~ Used by Permission

  • How do the Nature Spirits work with Light Energy?


  • Impacts of our “Modern-Day Society” on them


  • How can we connect with them?


  • How can we support them?

    • Active day-to-day relationships, more.

    • From our Hearts and Humility


  • Finding and embracing your own true nature while connecting with them.

  • About Human-Nature Spirit Hybrids –​

    • How to discern whether you are one of these people and find balance with it.


(c) Eelke-Jan Wiersma  ~ Used by Permission

  • PLUS – An overview of the spiritual role of Trees on our Sacred Earth

    • Their connection with the Nature Spirits

    • How energy moves in trees, and their capacity to offer healing energy to humans

    • Ways to offer healing for trees, both standing ones, and recently sawn ones


  • Guided Spiritual Journeys on:

    • Being a channel of Divine Light

    • Meeting with a beautiful-hearted Ogre guide, and more...


  • The Role of Sacred Silliness in engaging with the Nature Spirits in truly fun and beautiful ways!

You will also experience powerful Spiritual Activations

to open up your capacity to be more energetically

connected to the Nature Spirits!


For an introduction to the level of information that we will be presenting
in this rich webinar, you are welcome to explore these Nature Spirit Teachings with Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Mare Cromwell on YouTube:


Danu & the High Elves’ New Earth Invitation 

Dwarves’ Messages to Humans about the Crystals 

Your Webinar Guides

This course will be largely taught by the Nature Spirits, Unicorns, Dragons and

Mother Gaia through the mystics: Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Mare Cromwell.


Cornelis Jan Cuperus is a Dutch Nature Spirit Mystic, Wizard, Healer, & Herbalist. Cornelis Jan was born with the extraordinary gift of communicating and seeing Nature Spirits. From a young child on, he has spent extensive time outside in wild areas and his gardens where these powerful beings have been his teachers. He has surrendered to serve them, and their presence and wisdom are woven into his classes, healings, books and other writings—in truth, his daily life. Cornelis Jan’s Nature Spirit teams include some of the overarching ones on our planet, a most humbling set of connections.           ​


He leads his classes, workshops and other activities while living at and co-managing a wildlife rescue center in the far north of the Netherlands on the Frisian coast called de Fûgelpits. Caring for the injured animals there (many of whom are released) in the company of the resident elves, gnomes and more -- along with the human staff, deepens his tremendous love for the Sacred Web of Life both Seen and Unseen even more.  Learn more about Cornelis's events.


Mare Cromwell is a humble servant to the Great Mother who is here to help Love the New Earth in. She is an internationally-known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Author and Healer. Some might refer to her as a Medicine Woman. Called the “Voice of Earth Mother” by Rainbow Thunder Heart – a prominent Shoshone Elder, Mare’s award-winning books include two channeled with Mother: “The Great Mother Bible”; “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother”. Her first book is: If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America”.


Mare has studied with Native American elders for 26 years along with other gifted spiritual teachers, and is the visionary behind the “1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid” and “Sacred Balance Global Grid”. Mare is launching a new non-profit called “The Great Mother Love Way” in 2022. She also leads "The Great Mother Love Way" year-long course and offers trainings on Sacred Gardening, Womb Wisdom and more. Mare is a huge proponent of “Sacred Silliness”. She is based in western Maryland and is a former worm herder. 

If you would like to truly enhance your awareness of the beautiful Nature Spirit realms which share our Sacred

Earth with us, and bring more Joy into your life,

PLUS help birth our New Earth, you will

want to purchase this course!

Note: Deepest gratitude and Love to all the gifted artists whom we could not find whose work graces this page. xoxoxox

Humbly and gratefully located in the ancestral Indigenous lands of the Catawba and Cherokee peoples (North Carolina).


Would you like to receive Messages from Mother Gaia and other informative emails about the Great Mother Love Way's ongoing events?


Click on the logo to the right to subscribe. xoxoxox

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© 2025 by the Great Mother Love Way, Inc.

Crooked Creek Estate 

Old Fort, North Carolina  28762

The Great Mother Love Way is  a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization 

and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law.


Tax ID: 88-0565458

MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: Any information presented on the or within a healing session with anyone on the staff of the Great Mother Love Way is not intended to cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it intended as a substitute for seeking professional health care advice. We strongly advise that you see professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.

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