Original Photo by Harold Blum
Help us call in the New Earth Energetics
(we can do this!) and Dance Them In
during these "Interesting" Times!
Sunday, Feb 16,
1 pm ET/ 7pm CET
Hosted by
Dutch Nature Spirit Mystic & Wizard Cornelis Jan Cuperus
and Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwell.
Led by
Mother Gaia & Joyous Troops of
Nature & Tree Spirits, Sasquatch, Unicorns,
Dolphins, Whales, Dragons and many other beautiful ones,
all to help us dance the New Earth in!
Cost sliding scale :
$11.11 - $111.11
For EU residents:
11.11 - 111.11 Euros
Payment Information Below.​
Please register by 11:00 am ET on Sunday, Feb 16th, to ensure that you receive the Zoom link to join the Party live.
(No Refunds)

All Credit to the Artist.
Mother Gaia and the Nature Spirits have asked Nature Spirit Mystic
(& Wizard) Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwell to organize a “New Earth Dance Party”.
There is so much density in the air with all the human drama/trauma, that it is rather challenging to maintain much of an upbeat sense of what is happening on our Sacred Earth.
Yet, there are so many beautiful things happening in the world, beyond the extreme weather events and crazy politics.
People are waking up and connecting with the trees and nature spirits
in sacred ways. Our Global Waters are receiving more and more codes
of Luminous Love activating all of it. Nature Spirits are re-emerging
after thousands of years of hiding behind crystal walls deep in
Mother Gaia’s bones/earth crust.
AND … the New Earth Energetics that we’ll be calling in to dance within are filled with subtle joy and hope, with sparkles of effervescent fun. We’ve been invoking them for a while now and they are quite beautiful.

Actual Untouched Photo
We will open with a very short ceremony, call in the New Earth Energies -
which are already here in the multi-dimensional realms - to bless all of us,
and have a Party! Get some Ya-Ya’s out… !
We’ll dance to a Play List of select “New Earthy” music and there will be
Sacred Silliness, ‘interesting’ dance moves, and an opportunity to let
some steam off in a fun way.
And … chances are good that … you just may feel recharged and hopeful about
our Sacred Earth and our future by the end of the Dance Party.
Plus … you receive a Spiritual Activation to be able to connect
quite easily with the New Earth Energies afterwards, to invoke them
on a daily basis to support you in this Adventure called Life
at this time on our gorgeous planet! Yay!!
Come join us for the Fun and Silliness and Goodness!

All Credit to the Photographer
If you want to dress in colorful, fun ways, and/or have a goofy hat to wear, please
do so! But not required. ;~)
If you have a hard time dancing for
whatever reason, no worries. You can dance in your chair by waving your arms, or thumping your legs. Or … if you feel you have absolutely no dancing talent but
are not chair-bound, then just come and move your body however.
Even Finger Dancing will work. ;~)
No one will be judging you.
Note: All who register will receive the Replay Link to download afterwards to play with your family and friends, and help them experience the
New Earth Energies too!

All Credit to the Artist
Cost - Sliding Scale:
$11.11 - $111.11
11.11 - $111.11 Euros
For those outside the EU - send payment to
For those within the EU - send payment directly to Cornelis Jan Cuperus at:
Sheias, natuurbewustwording
(Please mark that this is for the New Earth Dance/
AND THEN send him an email at:
letting him know about the payment
and purpose of it.)
Once you send your payment in, you will be
sent the Zoom link
and other pertinent information.
Please register by 11:00am, Sunday, Feb 16th.
Otherwise, we won't have time to send you the Zoom link and other information. You will be sent the Replay email the following day though. xoxoxox
There are no refunds.
An email will be sent out the following day
with the Replay Link.
For more information about the Nature Spirits, you are welcome to explore these pre-recorded webinars about the Nature Spirits and "New Earth Gardening" with Cornelis Jan Cuperus
and Mare Cromwell below.
A Deep, Rich and very Fun orientation to all sorts of Different Nature Spirits, also including Unicorns, Dragons, and more. Meditations laced with Spiritual Activations included!
A Joyous Set of Teachings on what "New Earth" means, and how to dance with these energies in your approach to Gardening with all the Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones! (Applies to all of
your life too... ;~)
Your Dance Hosts

Cornelis Jan Cuperus is a Dutch Nature Spirit Mystic & Seer, Wizard, Healer, & Herbalist. Cornelis Jan was born with the extraordinary gift of communicating and seeing Nature Spirits. From a young child on, he has spent extensive time outside in wild areas and his gardens where these powerful beings have been his teachers. He has surrendered to serve them, and their presence and wisdom are woven into his classes, healings, books and other writings—in truth, his daily life. Cornelis Jan’s Nature Spirit teams include some of the overarching ones on our planet, a most humbling set of connections. ​
He leads his classes, workshops and other activities while living at and co-managing a wildlife rescue center in the far north of the Netherlands on the Frisian coast called de Fûgelpits. Caring for the injured animals there (many of whom are released) in the company of the resident elves, gnomes and more -- along with the human staff, deepens his tremendous love for the Sacred Web of Life both Seen and Unseen even more. Learn more about Cornelis's events.
You are MOST invited to join Cornelis's amazing Facebook group called "Sheia's Grove".

Mare Cromwell is the Founder & Director of "The Great Mother Love Way" (501 (c) 3). She is a humble servant to the Great Mother who is here to help Love the New Earth in. Mare is an inter-
nationally-known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, author and healer. Some might refer to her as a Medicine Woman. Called the “Voice of Earth Mother” by Rainbow Thunder Heart – a prominent Shoshone Elder, Mare’s award-winning books include two channeled with Mother: “The Great Mother Bible”; “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother”. Her first book is: “If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America”.
Mare has studied with Native American elders for 26 years along with other gifted spiritual teachers. Her life of surrender to the Great Mother was activated in early June 2012 when Mother’s energy and consciousness were brought into Mare’s soul body in a significant ceremony with a Native elder. Immediately following that ceremony, she could hear Mother’s voice very clearly and she has been guided closely since.
Per Mother's guidance, Mare is the visionary behind the “1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid” and "Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors". She also leads "The Great Mother Love Way" year-long course and offers trainings on Womb Wisdom and more. Mare is a huge proponent of “Sacred Silliness”. She is based in western North Carolina with her sweetie, and is a worm herder.
Come help us Dance the New Earth In.
This is so needed at this time! ​
We and the Nature Spirits and Mother Gaia
all look forward to all of us benefitting from this Dance Party to help Birth our New Earth!

Deepest Credit to the Photographer and child.
*This Dance has been partly sponsored by the
"Roving and Informal Center for Sacred Silliness" ,
an evolving Project within the "Great Mother Love Way".
Along with "Sheias" based in the Netherlands!
Note: Deepest gratitude to Love to all the gifted artists and photographers whom we could not source whose work graces
this page. xoxoxox