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"There is so much Love & Healing Energy within this Webinar, I would like for the whole world of two-leggeds to listen to it,"
Mother Gaia.

 Your Plants, the Nature Spirits & Mother Gaia all
invite you to soak up all the Goodness in this pre-recorded 

 “New Earth Gardening & Other Good Fun!" Webinar!
It is chock full of helpful tips, deep knowledge and
... packed with so much Love and Joy!

Co-Led by Dutch Nature Spirit Mystic & Wizard Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwell.
(Accompanied by a whole host of Nature Spirits, plus!)

Cost: $67.77

(Promo from the Live Webinar in the Winter of 2024.)

These are the times of great rising energies into full Ascension on our Sacred Earth. Many people are consciously experiencing these energies and committed to their spiritual growth and supporting the Birthing of our New Earth. 


However very few are aware of the imperative that we re-member our divine connection with Mother Gaia and all the Sacred Seen & Unseen Ones around us—in order for us to reach full Ascension.


Actual Untouched Photo

And … it is in our gardens where we can awaken to the reality of these Sacred Seen

& Unseen Ones and the gentle presence of Mother, more than most places. A universe of

beautiful beings in the Nature Spirit realms are inviting us to multi-dimensional

co-creation with them to further our personal and planetary Ascension.


The truth is that we used to work with these beings … and we can’t reach

full Ascension without honoring and revering them within a Divine Partnership. Their role on Earth is integral to all life!

Fiddlehead-dew.Saeful Regina.jpg

Photographer Unknown

We are also being called to shed the illusion of the Western worldview that we are separate and meant to be

suffering from fear and lack.

We are incarnate here on Earth to 

celebrate life in deep community every moment of  every day. This dance is meant to be in the realms of Joy,

Beauty & Harmony

that the Sacred Seen & Unseen

Ones around us exist within.

And this includes our gardens.

Does this speak to you?

... and maybe your Green or

Not-So-Green Thumb

If so, learn from Dutch Nature Spirit

Mystic & Seer (and Wizard)  Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Gaia Mystic & High Priestess Mare Cromwellalong with lots of Nature Spirit and Mother Gaia involvement,

in a FUN and Rollicking webinar laced with Sacred Silliness.*


We share about the New Earth

burgeoning forth now, and shedding

the foundational illusions of

our Western society.

Most importantly, we provide

detailed information about other multi-dimensional realms of sacred beings who are so integral to the growth of our plants and all life around us ... and how to "collaborate" with them.


There is much THEY want us to know about the New Earth and how to "play"

with them to manifest our Full Ascension!


 Your life may change radically from

this course, as you learn how to practice

co-creative New Earth gardening and

other beautiful approaches to living

in these ‘adventurous’ times!

*There were a multitude of other 'contributors' from the nature spirit and tree realms. They are, honestly, the ones leading the webinar along

with Mother Gaia!


Bioluminescent Mushrooms in Borneo. Photographer Unknown.

Testimonial from a Previous

Nature Spirit Webinar

co-led by Mare & Cornelis

"Feeling so grateful for this connection with the Nature Spirits that Cornelis Jan and Mare presented in such a fun spirited way! The deep wisdom and activations

I received during this webinar surprisingly impacted my entire spiritual evolution. I am so much more in tune with the Nature Spirits realm and how we can work together helping the Ascension of the

New Earth.


Much love and gratitude!"


C.V., California

A Calling to the New Earth

Photo by Harold Blum

Imagine a garden vibrant with life and singing with Joy. (Yes, plants do sing!)

It is a subtle song of goodness and abundance and even ... love.


It feels so healing to be in the midst of that space.  There is even a pervasive sense of magic and happiness in the air there. 

It makes you feel good to be in that beautiful area of green abundance dancing with wondrous colors. 

Perhaps part of you re-members this experience from when you were a child playing in your grandparent's garden? You had wonderful times playing in that garden as  you hid behind bushes, and inhaled the glorious aromas of the different flowers.

Or maybe you've felt this sense of mystical joy while walking in the woods somewhere?

Does your vision of this garden call to your soul?  Is what you are experiencing in this magical garden something you have been longing for ... for a very, very long time?

There is an ambiance of calm, peace and even Oneness that your beingness absorbs there. And the garden invites you to sit within it and just absorb the beauty there.


To open your heart and sit in the gentle Stillness. 


(c) Asako Eguchi - Used by Permission


Image - Dragonarts.

This sacred magical garden is a Vision of our New Earth which is birthing at

this time.

And this New Earth is already here within our Sacred Earth's multi-dimensional planes where the Nature Spirits and other Sacred Ones exist.

These beautiful Ones are calling out to us,

extending their hands and hearts to us

to invite us back Home!

Who are the Nature Spirits?


(Actual Untouched Photo - Photographer - Valerie Gilmore)

The Nature Spirit realms are a universe of ancient multi-dimensional beings unto themselves who have existed since the evolution of the very first cell on our Sacred Earth. They live right next to us yet exist at a higher spiritual frequency so most humans can’t see or feel them, or hear them. They are an integral vast community of beings who support Mother Gaia and all the biodiversity on our planet in quite significant ways.

For many centuries the realms of the fairies, elves, trolls and other Nature Spirits have been relegated to fairy tales and, unfor-tunately, most of us were taught these beings are not real. Most children with the gift of “seeing” and “hearing” were silenced by their parents and instructed “to not make up stories” when they mentioned the Nature Spirits around them. 


Sadly, the great majority of these children gradually lost their gifts and grew up into being adults who wondered whether their experiences were ever real. The Nature Spirits have been quite sad about this.


(c) Painting by Eelke-Jan Wiersma. Used by Permission

For many, many thousand years our ancestors honored the existence of these sacred beings and collaborated with them in the growing of their gardens and creation of home remedies and crafts.


There was a harmonious interweaving of community between the human and the sacred ones in the multi-dimensional realms which maintained a beautiful balance in each village and farmstead, the whole region - in truth with a few adventures mixed in, for sure. 

At this critical time in human history, with the current rising energies and ongoing Birthing of the New Earth, the Nature Spirits are very clear that it is time for the humans to connect with them ... as it is also time for us to come back into Sacred Relationship with Mother Gaia. The Nature Spirit realms are inviting us to open our awarenesses and hearts to them again so that humanity can come back into the Wise Ways of sacred balance with the elemental communities to manifest the

healing needed so greatly at this time.


The truth is that we humans cannot fully evolve into this New Earth until we reconnect with the Nature Spirits and their wisdom and gifts ... along with Mother Gaia and her Quantum Divine Love for us.

A sharing from Cornelis Jan Cuperus during the planning for the Live  "New Earth Gardening &
Other Good Fun!" Webinar in the winter of 2024.

Some Feedback from

the Webinar

This webinar took me completely by surprise!

I always thought my connection to Earth was profound & meaningful. This

bought me to a completely new place. Out popped from it - an alive sense of fun

& exhilarating joy on my walks in nature. Something woke up

– in a great symphony!


The level of ‘seeing’ by both Mare & Cornelis is incredible. To be in the

Presence of these two with their Great Being Teams was such a gift. I’m falling

short with words. Any Gardener of this Beautiful Earth, will be enriched,

any householder too, in fact anyone ~ the advice is practical and

complete in building New Heaven on Earth with all these Beings

Unseen or Seen. It doesn’t matter if you can’t see these beings either.

Coming together in their circle feels so important at this time.


The Earth must be so happy that this work is now available ~ thank you

from my Heart, Mare & Cornelis Jan! 

~ J.L. Scotland

Feedback from Previous Webinars

co-led by Cornelis Jan Cuperus & Mare Cromwell.


"If you long to awaken your inner child and pierce the veil of ignorance - If you’re chasing joy and magical moments yet are running too fast with indifference - Come here and play with us who are laughing and dancing

and playing with the

Nature Spirits."


Nova Scotia, Canada



"I am so grateful I took on this "Invitation" as this webinar is a real game changer. It opened loads of amazing gateways into other realms here on Earth. I honestly have never witnessed such an abundant sharing and caring as that which Mare and Cornelis offered. I experienced so much recognition and even more possibilities to dive deeper into the essence of nature.  A person could replay,revisit and re-experience this webinar forever." 

S.S., The Netherlands


"I have never looked more forward to a class than the Nature Spirits Invitation program, and never had so much excitement reading a Facebook page as the one for the course. Thank you, Mare and Cornelis Jan, for sharing not only information about the Nature Spirits but also the spirit of the Nature Spirits. "


~ M.M.,


The Inspiration Behind This Webinar 


Mother Gaia and several key Nature Spirits requested that Mare Cromwell and Cornelis Jan Cuperus offer this Webinar. Essentially both Mare and Cornelis Jan have surrendered to serve these powerful beings. 

Beyond them is a constantly enlarging group of Nature Spirits who have been lining up to help us co-create this Webinar. They have been spiritually coordinated by Cernunnos, a significant Nature Spirit deity, and Manannan Mac Lir, another Celtic Deity who is the Guardian of Sacred Consciousness. This expanding group included a host of different types of elves, plant devas and more Nature Spirit friends.


All are very enthusiastic about the human realms reconnecting with them once again. Yet this time to truly manifest our New Earth collectively with ease and grace.


Plus, they are excited to offer us healing energies, as they see how  so many humans are struggling in these 'interesting' times. 

Artist Unknown

Artist Unknown

Within this Six -Session Webinar,
You Will Learn About:

  • What is the New Earth/Ascension?

    • How will we be living?

    • Role of Gardening in birthing the New Earth

    • 'Some' partners in these evolving times:  Nature Spirits, Lemurians, Northern Lights, Dragons, Angelic Ones, more...

  • Who/What is Mother Gaia?

    • Her Holy Trinity

  • Our Energy Bodies

    • Connecting with Creator/Creation & Mother Gaia

    • Playing with Energy

    • Crystalline Energy bodies of Humans AND Mother Gaia amplifying

  • Mother Gaia’s Web of Love

    • Loving Mother

    • Loving ourselves

  • Consciousness, Intelligence and Love all around us!

  • Sacred Dancing with Sacred Plants

    • Divine Plan Aligned Gardens

    • No One is a “Weed” – Okay to compost though.  ;~)

  • What are Nature Spirits?

    • Roles of Nature Spirits: Fairies, Pixies, Elves, Dryads, more

  • Honoring the integral role of Nature Spirits in plant growth and natural areas

  • How to Love-Up our plants and Nature Spirits who live in our gardens and around us!  ... Gifts & Ceremonies

  • Mother Mushroom!

  • Song and vibration in our gardens

  • Indoor plants

  • Trees as conduits of Divine/Cosmic Energy


  • Spiritually ‘opening’ our Gardens

    • And ‘closing’ them at end of the season.

  • Harvesting in gratitude and love

  • Composting

    • Goodness in the Darkness

    • Shadow ‘weeding’ and healing

  • Overarching Deva of Worms

  • Transmuting Pollution with Nature Spirits

  • Stone People and their key role

  • ​Amplifying our Energy Bodies to 'work' with plants​

  • ​Surrendering to the vast intelligences in the “Natural Realms” – Sacred Seen & Unseen Realms​

  • Planetary clearing & shifting

  • Magic in the soil

  • Nodes of Luminous Love in each garden, each home

    • Ourselves as Luminous Love Nodes!

    • Subtle activism spreading through Gaia’s Grid of Oneness

  • Sacred Silliness as High Medicine in and outside of our Gardens

  • Embracing the Dance into the Oneness

  • Coming Home!

    • Our homes, community gardens, local parks

    • Our bodies, our lives, our soul journeys

    • To Mother Gaia and the Nature Spirits!

You will also experience powerful Spiritual Activations

to open up your capacity to be more energetically

connected to Mother Gaia & the plants

& Nature Spirits!


For an introduction to the level of information  presented
in this rich webinar, you are welcome to explore these Nature Spirit teachings with Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Mare Cromwell below.


Danu & the High Elves’ New Earth Invitation 

Dwarves’ Messages to Humans about the Crystals 

Your Webinar Guides

This course was largely taught by the Nature Spirits,

Trees and Mother Gaia through the Nature Mystics:

Cornelis Jan Cuperus and Mare Cromwell.


Cornelis Jan Cuperus is a Dutch Nature Spirit Mystic & Seer, Wizard, Healer, & Herbalist. Cornelis Jan was born with the extraordinary gift of communicating and seeing Nature Spirits. From a young child on, he has spent extensive time outside in wild areas and his gardens where these powerful beings have been his teachers. He has surrendered to serve them, and their presence and wisdom are woven into his classes, healings, books and other writings—in truth, his daily life. Cornelis Jan’s Nature Spirit teams include some of the overarching ones on our planet, a most humbling set of connections.           ​

He leads his classes, workshops and other activities while living at and co-managing a wildlife rescue center in the far north of the Netherlands on the Frisian coast called de Fûgelpits. Caring for the injured animals there (many of whom are released) in the company of the resident elves, gnomes and more -- along with the human staff, deepens his tremendous love for the Sacred Web of Life both Seen and Unseen even more.  Learn more about Cornelis's events.

You are MOST invited to join Cornelis's amazing Facebook group called "Sheia's Grove".


Mare Cromwell is the Founder & Director of  "The Great Mother Love Way" (501 (c) 3). She is a humble servant to the Great Mother who is here to help Love the New Earth in. Mare is an inter-

nationally-known Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, author and healer. Some might refer to her as a Medicine Woman. Called the “Voice of Earth Mother” by Rainbow Thunder Heart – a prominent Shoshone Elder, Mare’s award-winning books include two channeled with Mother: “The Great Mother Bible”; “Messages from Mother…. Earth Mother”. Her first book is: If I gave you God’s phone number…. Searching for Spirituality in America”.


Mare has studied with Native American elders for 26 years along with other gifted spiritual teachers. Her life of surrender to the Great Mother was activated in early June 2012 when Mother’s energy and consciousness were brought into Mare’s soul body in a significant ceremony with a Native elder. Immediately following that ceremony, she could hear Mother’s voice very clearly and she has been guided closely since.    


Per Mother's guidance, Mare is the visionary behind the “1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid” and "Apology Ceremonies to the Original Peoples & their Ancestors".  She also leads "The Great Mother Love Way" year-long course and offers trainings on Womb Wisdom and more. Mare is a huge proponent of “Sacred Silliness”. She is based in western North Carolina with her sweetie, and is a worm herder. 

If you would like to truly enhance your gardening "play"

to support the well-being of your plants and the sacred ones in and around your garden, PLUS help mid-wife our New Earth with more Joy and Goodness, you will want

to access this webinar!

Your Investment for:

~  6 Pre-Recorded Classes!
~ 90+ mins/Class

COST -$67.77

We and the Nature Spirits and Mother Gaia

all look forward to your benefitting from this wisdom to help Birth our New Earth!  



This Webinar is dedicated to our amazing-beyond-words Planetary Caretaker, Mother Gaia,  And to Toadmaster who brought Mare and Cornelis Jan together in a most magical way  (long story!)  when Mare first visited Cornelis Jan

in the fall of 2019.

Toadmaster is a highly evolved being on the Spirit Plane who is part Wizard, Healer, and so much more. And he is one of the foremost  guardians and guides for this fun and rollicking Webinar.  :~)

Love you, Mother Gaia & Toadmaster. Thank you for all of your wondrous support!  xoxoxox

Toadmaster - Photograph by Mare


Photographer Unknown

*This course has been partly sponsored by the
"Roving and Informal Center for Sacred Silliness" ,
an evolving Project within the "Great Mother Love Way"
Along with "Sheias" based in the Netherlands!

Note: Deepest gratitude to Harold Blum for his flower shots and gratitude and  Love to all the other gifted artists and photographers whom we could not find whose work graces

this page. xoxoxox

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